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Redeemed From The Curse

"When you go “from” something, it’s behind you. It’s in your past. Christ has redeemed us “from.” I’m moving farther and farther from the curse because the blood of the Lamb has paid for it, and I’m free. "

A must-hear sermon on the freedom provided through Christ.

Listen to an excerpt.

Hear! Hear! Hear!

Faith is a three-step process:  You hear. You believe. You say. This sermon will help guide you toward greater victory.

Listen to an excerpt.

Guard Your Heart

"You’ve got to guard your heart. You can overrun your heart. It can become hard as brick. It can become cement, and nothing goes in. Everything is rejected."

In this sermon, Becky Combee talks about the importance of making God's voice central to your hearing. A thought-provoking message.

Listen to an excerpt.

Rooted and Anchored

"The roots of the Word of God in your heart go down deep and anchor you, and when the wind of disease blows, you don’t come unglued."

Having heard the Word and received it with gladness, the seeds sown on stony ground do not take root. Becky Combee continues speaking of the parable of the sower with the truths behind putting the Scriptures in your heart.

Listen to an excerpt.

Uprooting Rocks

"If you put your roots in the Word of God, you’re going to be sure, certain, absolute."

Satan is trying to uproot the gospel in the soil of our hearts. We must study the Word of God and dispel ignorance and uproot faulty tradition. This sermon will increase your dedication to the truths in God's Word.

Listen to an excerpt.

Inward Peace

"If the inward man knows the principles of God and stands on those principles and accents those principles, then you don’t have to be troubled. In fact, what happens, people are going to say, 'You don’t really care, do you?' because you’re going to have that degree of tranquility and peace."

The nature of God in you is peace. That's who you are. You are a product of peace. This sermon will build your faith to walk peacefully no matter what circumstances you face.

Listen to an excerpt.

Be Not Troubled

"If your heart is not going to be troubled, upset, uptight, depressed, destroyed, then you’ve got to guard your words and guard your faith."

In this sermon, Becky Combee continues encouragement from the Word of God for those with a troubled mind.

Listen to an excerpt.

Perfect Peace

"When peace is perfect, you’re steadfast, you’re upright, you’re unmovable. You’re not in any quandary. You’re not disturbed. You’re not distressed. You’re not dismayed. That’s God’s gift to you. The same quantity and quality of peace that Jesus has is now in me."

Peace comes through trust in God. In this sermon, Becky Combee gives God's Word on how to obtain and maintain your peace.

Listen to an excerpt.

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